The Copthorne Gang Show is a variety show performed by Copthorne Scouts and Guides at the Hawth Theatre, in Crawley. Our next Gang Show is on Saturday 13th May 2023. There will be 2 performances, a matinee (3pm) and an evening (6:30pm) performance.

The Scouts and Guides from Copthorne are preparing to give you another great show, which will include items based on Musicals, Comedy Sketches and Popular Music, some of which are original Ralph Reader items and most are written specifically for us. We are fortunate to have the Copthorne Silver Band to provide the orchestral accompaniment to the show.

We have a cast of 200+ performing on stage. Those you will see on stage are backed up and supported by a volunteer team of people giving their time and skills freely in areas of Costumes, Front of House, Make-Up, Stage Crew, Microphones, Scenery Building, Show Content & Production. It may surprise you to know that all of the scenery is made by our team, nothing is hired in!

The show is the culmination of weeks of hard work by both performers and support teams. If you have never seen a Gang Show before, come along and see for yourself how talented the youngsters are. Then sit back and enjoy the electric atmosphere!

It is extremely difficult to list all that being involved in the Gang Show can provide, It's about Teamwork, Confidence, New Skills learnt, Responsibility, Sharing, Helping and so much more!........ finding hidden talents and the indescribable experience of bringing pleasure to thousands of people.

It is not individual talent that is the pre-requisite but the sheer enthusiasm of working together and finding the hidden strengths that we all have that makes the show special!

We can't pretend that it's easy. It takes strength, stamina and determination to succeed and, for the younger members, the support of parents / guardians in GREAT measures. Attendance at rehearsals and determination to learn words, songs and actions as well as keeping up with schoolwork, homework and your regular activities are all part of the involvement. You have to be a good organiser!


Click Here if you think you've got what it takes to be a part of the team.


Click Here to book tickets to see the 2023 Gang Show!