Q: I'm not in the Copthorne Scouts or Guides but I am in another Scout or Guide group. Can I still be in your Gang Show?

A: Only members of the Copthorne Scouts & Guides can perform in our Gang Show, but we would love for you to come and see our show! We can offer group discounts for Scouts, Guides & other Youth Groups. Please spread the word, everyone is invited!



Q: I am in the Copthorne Scouts & Guides and I want to be in the Gang Show. Do I have to audition?

A: No, There are no auditions to get into our Gang Show. Everyone who is a current member of Copthorne Scouts & Guides can be in it. However auditions, (called 'tryouts') are held for those wishing to have an additional part in the show. This could be a solo part or another sketch with other sections. These were held in January & February but if your child was unable to attend it may still be possible for them to have an extra part. Please speak to your Section Leader as soon as possible.



Q: Can I buy tickets to see your Gang Show?

A: Yes! Please click here to visit our tickets webpage.



 If you still have unanswered questions please use the Contact form by clicking this link